Sunday, March 29, 2015

A genetic algorithm for solving the function optimization problem

// genetic algorithm with steady state
// for function optimization problem
// (finding the minum or maximum of a given function)

// implemented by Mihai Oltean
// web:
// email:

// compiled with Visual Studio 2013 Express Edition
// last modified on: 2015.08.09

// more implementations at:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct chromosome{ 
 // also called individual, or potential solution
 double *x;      // an array of genes; one for each dimension
 double fitness; // the quality of an individual
void generate_random(chromosome c, int num_dims, double min_x, double max_x)
 // num_dims is the number of dimensions of the function to be optimized
 // min_x, max_x is the range for variables
 for (int i = 0; i < num_dims; i++)
  c.x[i] = rand() / (double)RAND_MAX * (max_x - min_x) + min_x;
void copy_individual(chromosome *dest, chromosome source, int num_dims)
 for (int i = 0; i < num_dims; i++)
  dest->x[i] = source.x[i];
 dest->fitness =;
void compute_fitness(chromosome *c, int num_dims)
 // a very simple function to optimize
 c->fitness = 0;

 for (int i = 0; i < num_dims; i++)
  c->fitness += c->x[i] * c->x[i];

 // another function
 // rastrigin
 //c->fitness = 10 * num_dims;
 //for (int i = 0; i < num_dims; i++)
 //c->fitness += c->x[i] * c->x[i] - 10 * cos(2 * 3.1415 * c->x[i]);
void mutation(chromosome c, int num_dims, double pm, double delta, double min_x, double max_x) 
// mutate the individual
 // mutate each symbol with the same pm probability

 for (int i = 0; i < num_dims; i++){

  double p = rand() / (double)RAND_MAX; 
  if (p < pm){
   int r = rand() % 2;
   // I choose randomly if I add or if I subtract delta
   if (r){
    if (c.x[i] + delta <= max_x)
     c.x[i] += delta;
    if (c.x[i] - delta >= min_x)
     c.x[i] -= delta;
void one_cut_point_crossover(chromosome parent1, chromosome parent2, chromosome offspring1, chromosome offspring2, int num_dims)
 int pct;
 pct = 1 + rand() % (num_dims - 1);
 // the cutting point should be after first gene 
 //and before the last one
 for (int i = 0; i < pct; i++){
  offspring1.x[i] = parent1.x[i];
  offspring2.x[i] = parent2.x[i];
 for (int i = pct; i < num_dims; i++){
  offspring1.x[i] = parent2.x[i];
  offspring2.x[i] = parent1.x[i];
void uniform_crossover(chromosome parent1, chromosome parent2, chromosome offspring1, chromosome offspring2, int num_dims)
 // uniform crossover can also be used
 // for each gene we decide randomly where it goes
 // (to the first or second offspring)
 for (int i = 0; i < num_dims; i++) {
  if (rand() % 2) {// flip
   offspring1.x[i] = parent2.x[i];
   offspring2.x[i] = parent1.x[i];
  else {
   offspring1.x[i] = parent1.x[i];
   offspring2.x[i] = parent2.x[i];
int sort_function(const void *a, const void *b)
 if (((chromosome *)a)->fitness >((chromosome *)b)->fitness)
  return 1;
  if (((chromosome *)a)->fitness < ((chromosome *)b)->fitness)
   return -1;
   return 0;
void print_chromosome(chromosome c, int num_dims)
 printf("x = (");
 for (int i = 0; i < num_dims; i++)
  printf("%lf ", c.x[i]);
  printf(") ");
 printf("fitness = %lf\n",;
int tournament_selection(int tournament_size, chromosome *pop, int pop_size)     
 // randomly pick several individuals
 // and return the best of them
 int selected_index;
 selected_index = rand() % pop_size;
 for (int i = 1; i < tournament_size; i++){
  int r = rand() % pop_size;
  selected_index = pop[r].fitness < pop[selected_index].fitness ? r : selected_index;
 return selected_index;
void start_steady_state_ga(int pop_size, int num_gens, int num_dims, double pcross, double pm, double delta, double min_x, double max_x)       
// Steady-State genetic algorithm
// each step:
// pick 2 parents, mate them, 
// mutate the offspring
// and replace the worst in the population
// (only if offspring are better)
 // allocate memory
 chromosome *population;
 population = (chromosome*)malloc(pop_size * sizeof(chromosome));
 for (int i = 0; i < pop_size; i++)
  population[i].x = (double*)malloc(num_dims * sizeof(double));

 chromosome offspring1, offspring2;
 offspring1.x = (double*)malloc(num_dims * sizeof(double));
 offspring2.x = (double*)malloc(num_dims * sizeof(double));

  // initialize
 for (int i = 0; i < pop_size; i++){
  generate_random(population[i], num_dims, min_x, max_x);
  compute_fitness(&population[i], num_dims);

 qsort((void *)population, pop_size, sizeof(population[0]), sort_function);

 printf("generation 0\n");
 // print the best from generation 0
 print_chromosome(population[0], num_dims); 

 for (int g = 1; g < num_gens; g++){
  for (int k = 0; k < pop_size; k += 2){
   // choose the parents using binary tournament
   int r1 = tournament_selection(2, population, pop_size);
   int r2 = tournament_selection(2, population, pop_size);
   // crossover
   double p = rand() / double(RAND_MAX);
   if (p < pcross)
    one_cut_point_crossover(population[r1], population[r2], offspring1, offspring2, num_dims);
    copy_individual(&offspring1, population[r1], num_dims);
    copy_individual(&offspring2, population[r2], num_dims);
   // mutate the result
   mutation(offspring1, num_dims, pm, delta, min_x, max_x);
   compute_fitness(&offspring1, num_dims);
   mutation(offspring2, num_dims, pm, delta, min_x, max_x);
   compute_fitness(&offspring2, num_dims);

   // are offspring better than the worst
   if ( < population[pop_size - 1].fitness){

    copy_individual(&population[pop_size - 1], offspring1, num_dims);
    qsort((void *)population, pop_size, sizeof(population[0]), sort_function);
   if ( < population[pop_size - 1].fitness){
    copy_individual(&population[pop_size - 1], offspring2, num_dims);
    qsort((void *)population, pop_size, sizeof(population[0]), sort_function);
  printf("generation %d\n", g);
  print_chromosome(population[0], num_dims);
 // free memory
 free( offspring1.x);
 free( offspring2.x);

 for (int i = 0; i < pop_size; i++)
int main(void)

 int pop_size = 10;    // the number of individuals in population 
        // must be an even number
 int num_gens = 100;   // the number of generations
 double pm = 0.1;      // mutation probability
 double pcross = 0.9;  // crossover probability
 double delta = 1;  // jumps for mutation

 int num_dims = 2;  // number of dimensions of the function to be optimized
 double min_x = -10;  // definition domain for functions
 double max_x = 10;


 start_steady_state_ga(pop_size, num_gens, num_dims, pcross, pm, delta, min_x, max_x);

 printf("Press enter ...");

 return 0;

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